2012 m. kovo 28 d., trečiadienis

Symbols of the Sky – ARIES

“ The Path to salvation - the Road inside the Heart. Only there is a God, only there is peace“ ...

Philosophical ideas of the Zodiac    

We never lose depending on the space around us, we are a part of it ... We are connected with the universe as a drop of water is associated with the ocean ... A human is in some way, in union with all the surrounding space. He - in constant communication with the so-called "space" environment. ..

Zodiac system can serve as a creation of the natural structure of human knowledge, allowing to preserve the achievements of culture in mind and soul of the most accessible way (because it is inherent in our nature and is inherent in the psyche)...

Astrology is unique in that from ancient times to the present day is the only system so far that the same categories and describes the nature and culture: the external and internal plan of human life, both material and spiritual world. ...

Solar description best characterizes human creativity, in which he lifts over their individual characteristics to type. It is no coincidence all the great personalities more fully develop their talents especially in the area of his mark. Talent thinking is no exception....

Changing the signs of the zodiac is a sequential process of nature: and as successive pattern of thinking of people of different zodiacal types... Every period of life is repelled from the previous phase and tends to follow. The views of the Zodiac are linked the same logical chain of gradual transition from idea to idea, where one grows out of another...

How much free thinking person?..  As reflected in its cosmic predestination?

Once the Middle Ages, operated on the elements of alchemy and astrology, gave impetus to the construction of logic circuits and the classical philosophy of science. That gave the land to their development, have forgotten and they ended up, as it were hanging in the air based on "the very thought."...  But what is a pure thought, it does not build on previous achievements of thought, once pushed to the natural definition?

And because the construction of any scheme was somehow logical to go back to nature for granted, yet implicitly implied from the Middle Ages and which gave only the science of modern times.... The tendency to return to the natural and historical and cultural foundations of thought was not alien to the philosophy and ... Everyone has a basic question, due to his personality and history...

What is the philosophy of those who will choose depends on what kind of person who is: for a philosophical system is not dead and pans, which could be put off or take on the request, she animated the soul of human, which has its...

The development of psychoanalysis more confirms the importance of communication of thought and mind ... Any idea is strong only if rooted in the personality structure. And no idea can be stronger than the emotional matrix...

A good idea is needed as insurance when diving into the unconscious: the comprehension of the truths of the world. Turning to the philosophical ideas of his character, a person can better understand ourselves and unrealized needs of his soul, his true desire. Zodiac range of ideas in general, describes the natural stage of the spiritual movement and the transition from one stage to another...

The logic of the system itself is easy to learn Zodiac.... The signs are reckoned from the points of the vernal and autumnal equinox, winter and summer solstice. In each season, three characters: a cardinal or principal (the sign of the beginning of the season or will sign), sustained (middle of the season or a sign of feeling) and variable (the end of the season or a sign of intelligence). Will begins, the feeling continues, the mind changes. In addition, signs are divided into elements: fire (energetic), earth (material), air (intellectual) and water (emotional), which corresponds to the choleric temperaments, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic (the concept of temperaments have been introduced by Kant - based on traditional medieval images of the same elements)....

Philosophy of Aries  -  CLEAR THINKING

The main sign of Aries - the awakening of nature ... Vernal equinox … Steward the planet Mars - a single impulse, the will … Domestic support - the will: the idea of personal "I" (ideal) … Field of Search - consciousness: the breaking of the "I" in the world (reality)… Element of the sign – fire …  The motto of the sign - I Exist and Think …

The archetype of Aries relates to a spring revival. Astrologically, this is a cardinal sign "will," and he pushed away from the impulse of will "I" - which is revealed as a moment of inner strength and self-awareness in the world…

This is the latest emerging mythological archetype, historically associated with the formation of the concept of personality and the image of the military leader of the gods associated with the awakening of the forces of nature (Mars or the Indian god of spring thunderstorms Rudra). In this way the will of the "I" appears as an unrestrained, all-conquering element of fire and war - and the ability to manage it: the human ability to control most of the elements is not subject to….

It is also the image of the shepherd - the ideal leader. Images of the myths, developing moral ideals, became the foundation of new religions (Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity)… Mythology closes ideal images of a warrior and a shepherd protecting his flock, who learns from the wisdom of nature, outside the city walls. Returning to the bosom of society, he can pass it on to others. This myth comes up in the movement of "care-and-return"…

The creative minority is a challenge to society, leaving his standards, and so is the answer to the challenge of the changing circumstances of life, bringing society to a new path. This is - the task of Aries as the archetype of the individual will: the role of a pioneer, paving the way forward: a new approach, which lacks the community…

The idea - means exist …

Aries tend to learn the principles of thought: as a methodology brings us closer to the truth. External review of the phenomena as they are not helping the implementation of what should be: the truth reflects the consciousness, "pure", not only in the sense of impeccable logic, as a refined strategy thinking, but also in terms of morality, the involvement of the eternal and untouched by decay phenomena of the world, divorced from their origins…

As in life, Aries philosophy is based on the ideals of reason - and above all a moral ideal, actualizing the truth of the ancient myths: the winner is who is right (whose action is more morally). Less attention he pays the external situation, because this sign makes the task of overcoming her obstacles to overcome, oppose the human will…

In human, there is another equally powerful source of energy. Human is not free to have or not have the "ideal", but the service is free to choose between power and the destruction of the mind or the service and love…  All people – idealists…

Aries formulates the social function of religion as an extension of the ideals that promote social development. Religious ideals, as a starting point for understanding social processes, the root cause of sentinel events and behavior that does not fit into the framework of the social standard…

Based on the ideals of efficiency, this psycho considers it possible to make a reasonably organized social system (which is associated with mythologeme control over the elements of war of the gods: Odin, or the wisdom of Athens). It draws Aries to the circle of social problems: it is a sign of sociologists and socialist…

The main color of the sign Aries has a dense red hue, the color corresponding to the planet Mars - a brilliant bright red, and I-th house - light red. Signs are deployed is a characteristic of planets in the earth's reality, and because they can be described through the most accessible to us, which is found on Earth range of colors, while the more absolute (cosmic) vibration associated with the exposure and the qualities of the planets, especially long-distance, may be a beyond our current perception of the color spectrum and have a wider range…

       ARIES -  March 21 - April 20 ...

 Sign -  Male (positive), a fiery, cardinal.
Stewards -  Mars and retrograde Pluto.
Exaltation -  The Sun.
Eksil -  Venus and Chiron retrograde.
Fall -  Retrograde Saturn and Uranus.

ARIES - the most impulsive ZODIAC SIGN ...

Aries gives him magnetism, electrification, emotionality, inexhaustible vitality, energy and will. Aries characterized by quick response, impulsivity, temper, irritability, intolerance, categorical, willfulness, irritability, aggressiveness, militancy that may lead him to the extremes and extremism, especially in moments of strong emotion…

The principal assistants in all its activities and undertakings are honesty, generosity, honesty, fairness, inventive and innovative spirit, and faithful to his ideals, dedication and a partner….

THE BODY - THE ZONE OF ARIES - The head from its top to the end of the nose, the lower part of cheeks, and lips…

Constellation of ARIES - In Greek mythology, the constellation of Aries - the ram katasterizm flying Kriya, which was sent to the goddess Nephele clouds to rescue her children Frix and Gell. Aries carried them through the Dardanelles to Colchis, where he was sacrificed Frix, and its fleece was famous artifact, followed later hunted Argonauts ...  

Гелла и Фрикс

Myths and Legends

Gell and Frix awaited death. Stepmother, their father's second wife Afamanta king Febesa, required to bring children to the gods. Learning of this, their mother, the goddess of cloud Nephele, asked Zeus to protect her children. Appeared winged zlatorunny Aries, the gift of the god Hermes. He saved the children and went with them to the east…

Hella has not suffered the hardships of traveling and drowned in the sea, which was named after her Gellenicheskim, or the Hellespont. Left alone at the mercy of his sweeping sadness, Frix reached Colchis, and there met the daughter of King Eeta Khalkiopov, which took a wife. On the occasion of the wedding ram sacrificed to Zeus, and his precious fleece was hanged in a grove of Ares the god of war and ordered the dragon to guard it…

From now on, the Golden Fleece is a source of dreams for the adventure seekers. An example of this - a journey of Jason and the Argonauts, inspired by the king Peliem, thinking evil plan against the hero ... But Jason was the victor of all tests. The terrible dragon had fallen asleep due to witchcraft in love with Jason Medea, the daughter of the king of Colchis, wholeheartedly devoted to their hero. Returning to the Golden Fleece Jason Thessaly met both triumph and Pely was destroyed….

The calf and sheep ram sweet and affectionate - he's a lamb. This lamb has an important place in some religious beliefs. His innocence and candor, he casts out the evil forces at the cost of sacrificing their own lives. Every year the Jews sacrificed a lamb to celebrate the exodus from Egypt. The Christians, Jesus Christ embodies the Divine Lamb, who also has been sacrificed for the redemption of human sin and the reign of the one God. In addition, it is the lamb was slain Abraham instead of his son as a sacrifice, when the angel told him that God wants to test Abraham's loyalty. At the end of human sacrifice….  


Age of ARIES

This sign symbolizes the primal idea, the idea of ​​Personality in its broadest sense, the idea of self-aware in a set of custom properties, and tending to the birth, formation, the expression and expansion. This idea, however, self-sufficient, because it has no external connections, and not correlated with the Being of other ideas, which makes it clearly expressed the desire to dominate everything…

Age of Aries began around two thousand years BC About this time in the Ancient East, Egypt and Mesopotamia, and India offer a way to get iron from the ore, which leads to the end of the Bronze and early Iron Age. The use of iron clearly describes the entry into force of the era of Aries, whose ruler - Mars - in astrology and alchemy associated with iron…

In the social structure of the offensive should be associated with the collapse of the communal-tribal relations and the formation of the slave. Age of Aries brings a humanity and incessant wars, due to control of Mars and the sign characteristic of the idea of ​​striving for self expansion and expansion. Since the beginning of this period falls the Old Kingdom Egyptian state, and passing through a relatively short period of the Middle Kingdom (XXI-XVII centuries before. BC), Egypt is entering a period of the New Kingdom, the state of a fundamentally different type. If Ancient Egypt was a peaceful farming civilization based on rural communities, the New Kingdom of Egypt becomes the slave of the early monarchy, the military type…

Begin continuous military campaigns in Nubia and Syria, the war with the Hittites, the Libyan tribes, Achaeans, Etruscans and other peoples. Supreme god of the Egyptian pantheon - Ra - now identified (particularly with the rise of the XII dynasty XX-XVIII c. Up. AD) is not the bull Apis, but with Amun, the symbolic animal of which was an Aries, the god of war, Montu (god Amon-Ra-Montu). At this time, the Pharaoh is not associated with Apis-Taurus, but with Amun - Aries…

Since the beginning of the era of Aries begins to develop in essence the first European civilization - the Minoan culture on Crete. Around 2000 BC g.do in the Middle-period begins the process of urbanization, growing city, built the first palaces of Knossos, Melia, and Festus (In this regard, symbolic ancient Greek myth that it was in Crete, the legendary founder of Athens, Theseus and the hero kills the "Star bull" - the Minotaur)…

One can safely say that the Greek and Roman civilization, which modern science refers to one type of society, in its manifestations fully consistent with the idea of ​​the epoch of Aries. Their main characteristic is that they are oriented to the cult of war and heroes. The Greeks and Romans fought selflessly and continuously…

Of course, people have fought before and after the age of Aries, and war, especially the twentieth century, surpassed the cruelty of the war of antiquity, but the difference is that in the ancient culture of the war was part of an organic, as a matter of the most honorable, and has spawned a cult hero. The appearance of the characters - is the most important event of the era of Aries, as the hero - first of all, it is an isolated individual, namely, personality, as a phenomenon - one of the first characteristics of the sign of Aries, reflecting its commitment to the very formation and isolation….

These "aries" natural tendency in society have been widely reflected in the ancient art culture, literature and fine arts. Thus, the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer - the poem played a huge role in the formation of ancient civilizations - especially the poem about war and heroes. Important place in classical mythology is the story of the Argonauts voyage for the Golden Fleece. In this myth, "aries" symbols of wealth and fertility, and replaces the symbolism of Taurus…

Characteristic of ancient religion and mythology: the gods of Greece and Rome - first of all the heroes and warriors who take part in the battles of compulsory people. In contrast to the "natural" material gods of Egypt, the gods of antiquity have specific Person with a strong character (and, in accordance with the requirement of the era of Aries, the nature of self-willed, energetic and cruel), embodying non-existent matter, but effective idea. It should be noted that during this period of humanity comes to the idea of ​​one God - that is, Personality and absolute ideas in their synthesis and limiting generalization. Aries symbolism of the Lamb is widely used in the Bible, the Old Testament…  

And it was morning as God stood before his twelve children, and each of them put the seed of human life... One by one, each child came forward to receive your gift designated.

     God said:  "To you, Aries, I give my seed first that you could have the honor of planting it. Every seed that you plant will be multiplied many times in your hand. You will not have time to see how the seed grows, because all that you plant will create even more of what to plant… You'll be the first to impregnate the soil minds of people MY IDEA ... But it's not your job - to nourish the idea, or explore it…. Your life - an action, and the only action that I prescribe to you - is to begin to encourage people to be aware of My Creation… For your good work I give you Gift - a SENSE of DIGNITY..."

Aries and quietly stepped back into place….

 (105x93, 15Kb)     Dievas pasakė :  "Jums, Avinai, AŠ duodu savo sėklą iš pradžių, kad jūs galėtumėte turėti garbę jos sodinime. Kiekviena sėkla, kurią jūs sodinate bus padauginta dažnai jūsų rankoje. Jūs neturėsite laiko pamatyti, kaip sėkla auga, todėl, kad viskas ką jūs sodinate sukurs net daugiau kas bus augalas… Jūs būsite pirmas įmirkęs dirvožemio protus žmonėse  MANO MINTIES... Bet tai nėra jūsų darbas - kad maitintų mintį, ar ištirtų tai… Jūsų gyvenimas - veiksmas, ir vienintelis veiksmas, kurį aš nurodau jums – turit  pradėti padrąsinti žmones žinoti Mano Sukūrimą… Jūsų geram darbui aš duodu jums Dovaną – “ORUMO PRASMĖ."

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