2012 m. kovo 10 d., šeštadienis

Symbols of the Sky – PISCES

     The Path to salvation - the Road inside the Heart. Only there is a God, only there is peace“ ... 

    Philosophical ideas of the Zodiac –“ WILL and Contemplation of Pisces “

We never lose depending on the space around us, we are a part of it ... We are connected with the universe as a drop of water is associated with the ocean ... A human is in some way, in union with all the surrounding space. He - in constant communication with the so-called "space" environment. ..

Zodiac system can serve as a creation of the natural structure of human knowledge, allowing to preserve the achievements of culture in mind and soul of the most accessible way (because it is inherent in our nature and is inherent in the psyche)...

Astrology is unique in that from ancient times to the present day is the only system so far that the same categories and describes the nature and culture: the external and internal plan of human life, both material and spiritual world. ...

Solar description best characterizes human creativity, in which he lifts over their individual characteristics to type. It is no coincidence all the great personalities more fully develop their talents especially in the area of his mark. Talent thinking is no exception....

Changing the signs of the zodiac is a sequential process of nature: and as successive pattern of thinking of people of different zodiacal types... Every period of life is repelled from the previous phase and tends to follow. The views of the Zodiac are linked the same logical chain of gradual transition from idea to idea, where one grows out of another...

We should add: even though we have laid the idea of ​​the Zodiac in one line - but logical lines between themselves signs of the Zodiac, a lot. Signs of the Zodiac - snippets of life itself, which goes beyond any single causal chain. Terms of the zodiac in itself does not fit in linear logic.... However, because life is reflected in spatial intelligence, philosophers, of these reflections, we have chosen the notion of relevance to the current day system of philosophical thought, and very simple in terms of modern everyday thinking....

           Philosophy  of   Pisces

Materialism winter signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and appears as a descent from the top of absolutism, from abstract to concrete (to achieve the unity of theoretical and practical spirit) ... But if Leo says the kingdom of human on earth, Aquarius comes to earth as a sacrifice for the sake of transitory eternity ideas: exalted in this sign Neptune, planet of wisdom, the next victim of Pisces...

Therefore, the variable Pisces has the right to question the explicit knowledge of Aquarius and the definitiveness of the results of Capricorn... This is another sign of "reason", which, like the philosophers of the Gemini, casts doubt on the rational comprehension of the world...

Leaving the place of mystery, Pisces protect a metaphysical approach and myth, as a holistic view of the world and human history - in the history of science to change the myths of human consciousness...

Pisces tend to create a general picture of reality, capable of covering all facets of life.... With this global picture, born of deep doubts about the very essence of the structure of the world, can not argue - and we use it both in science and in everyday life...

Background and their philosophy of Pisces represents a starting point the planet Neptune – the  ruler of a vast ocean, where there was everything....

It is no coincidence that the sign of appeal to the Cosmos...

Pisces with confidence based on the unconscious, remaining beyond the visible reality... And the contemplative approach, where thought is not separated from the senses, making them the second most important philosophical character... Pisces tend to embody a sublimation of these flows at present...

The purpose of Pisces - go to the identity of subject and object: the knower, the known and the knowledge - to the original identity, created by the primary impetus to the will, which becomes the starting point of Aries...

Pisces - the materialists in the sense that it is the matter forms the transition from the idea of Aquarius to the will of Aries - being in the depths, which concerns the sign of Pisces, clean energy (ie work, if we return to the etymology of the word, as evidenced by Einstein)... But the matter does not represent anything sustainable, the effect is not related to the cause - outside world as if divided into parts for this sign, accustomed to see him in the contemplation of the stop...

All the structures imposed on the individual objective world must be destroyed - in order to liberate the true will of the movement of the subject... This is the destruction of the limit we think of as death - but it also makes a person alive...

Pisces tend to be likened to the human will to the will of the world, itself, without any external clues and help support the activities of the fire of eternal existence...

And although the sign of Pisces is dissolved in the clarity of objectives relative to the moment, their lives are filled with this sense of an unattainable goal: the meaning of faith -  "Will to live life secured."...

The idea of ​​liberation leitmotiv in the philosophy of the last signs of zodiac cycle... Capricorn, the sign of faith, advocating individual liberty, freeing her will to act... Aquarius, the sign of feeling the freedom of creation in the union of all altruism, releasing emotional nature ... and Pisces, the sign of the mind, aims to the liberation of consciousness...

A radical way to liberation advocates spiritual path ... In the scientific search for meaning is linked with religious faith - with a clear understanding of the mind ("philosophical belief", or spirituality)...

Turning to the metaphysics of Pisces, we must understand that logically precedes the myth-making mind the objective of Aquarius, free from all kinds of illusions ... At each point of reflection, they will look for the subject and its self-awareness... If the air, intellectual Aquarius is identified with the immensity of the human mind - the Pisces, the sign of the element of water - the depth of life...

The idea of ​​the original impulse activity - will - closes the circle of the zodiac concepts: Aries pushes the momentum of the "I", illuminating the consciousness of the universe. Saying: "I think" he wants to realize the will so that the head of her leadership of the mind. Pisces Aries denies merger with the eternal mystery of the world and separated from it in the approval itself, rejected the inexplicable and the active position of the mind shows the momentum of being hidden...

Quite simply we can say that Aries and Taurus - the subjective idealists, proceeding from the internal correctness of the creative impulse of thought. Gemini and Cancer are turning to natural life and natural spontaneity of thought. Leo and Virgo disclose the materiality of human as a body, but also rational and spiritual being: able to change the world. Spiritual transformation of the world describe the person Libra and Scorpio. Sagittarius and Capricorn are turning to the objective laws of matter that exists outside of human, embodying something that can be embodied now in the society and the individual. And Aquarius and Pisces extend to a depth of human reality, natural and sublime, divine, merging object and subject in a changing world and the unity of the creative mind...

Transition from one idea to another as a consistent movement in one direction, but it can be done in the opposite direction. The movement in the opposite direction reflects the social evolution of the soul, which is repelled from the realities of the outside world to come to the end of the path to the crystallization of identity "I" of Aries. Describing the mythological images of the zodiac, it reveals to us the picture of the past and reflects the unconscious motivations of the individual...

The motion of the zodiac in the course of the Sun, by contrast, has a point of reference entity and represents a consistent development of the personality of an objective reality. For the first third of the zodiac consciousness of the subject dominates the object, the second third, beginning with Leo calls them the rights that are unfolding picture of the interaction of hman and the world. Scorpio brings to the absolute desire for subjective truth, and the last third of the zodiac, since Sagittarius, shall be removed from the subjective for the objective knowledge of the outside world. It ends with the complete identification of subject and object in the sign of Pisces, from which a reasonable person once again displays the "I" of Aries. The development of the logic of philosophical thought to trace the course in this direction...

Zodiac circle may be represented as two spirals directed towards each other (like the structure of DNA).

Astrological analysis shows that the ideas of the philosophers of the same sign are consistent with each other and merge into a single way of thought, revealing the pre-established harmony of thinking people. Successor of the ideas is often a philosopher of the same zodiacal constellations or the same elements. This allows us to understand the true orientation of the sign, as are the ideas of the philosopher, sometimes invisible, and not all clear, the starting point of his philosophy...

PISCES - February 19 - March 20...  Last astrological sign in the zodiac system, the twelfth house of the zodiac. The dual sign, consisting of two fishes, looking in different directions: the top - indicates the start of a new cycle of manifestation in the system, or the direction of involution, lower - the output of the cycle, or the direction of evolution. Neptune, the trident on the beating waves and exempting them from the bulls and horses, is a symbolic expression of the revival of cosmic energy from water depths of the primeval ocean...

Constellation of Pisces ...This constellation is dedicated to the goddess of beauty Aphrodite (Roman - Venus), golden-haired beauty with languid eyes, a little frivolous and cheerful.... lights in the sky the constellation of Pisces - the symbol of the all-conquering love, which the gods, and sometimes awarded death... Pisces has been allocated for a long time. His images are found on the walls of the pyramids, and Babylonian clay tablets. At the intersection of strips, forming a node is the brightest star in the constellation Al Risch...

                 God said:  "To you, Pisces, I give the most difficult of all work (task) ... I ask you gather all human sorrow and return it to me ... Your tears are to be ultimately My tears ... sadness that you will absorb is the effect of improper My understanding of human's ideas - but you have to give him compassion that he could try again ...
During this most difficult of all tasks I will give you the greatest Gift of all – “You will be only one of MY twelve children who understand ME. But this gift of  UNDERSTANDING  is just for you, because when you try to stretch it to the human, he will not listen to you... "

 (105x93, 15Kb)     " And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up toward heaven, He blessed the food and broke the loaves and He kept giving them to the disciples to set before them; and He divided up the two fish among them all...They all ate and were satisfied.."  Mark 6:41-42, Bible


         Dievas pasakė:  "Jums, Žuvys, aš duodu sudėtingiausią iš visų užduotį... Aš prašau, kad jūs rinktumėte visą žmogaus liūdesį ir grąžintumėte jį MAN... Jūsų ašaros turi būti Mano ašaromis... liūdesys, kurį jūs sugersite, yra padarinys žmogaus minčių, apie netinkamą supratimą Manęs - bet jūs turite duoti žmogui užuojautą ir galimybę, - kuria jis gali bandyti dar kartą...  Dėl sudėtingiausios užduoties,  AŠ duosiu jums didžiausią iš visų dovaną -  “Jūs būsite tiktai vienas iš MANO dvylikos vaikų, kurie supranta MANE. Bet ši SUPRATIMO dovana yra tik jums, todėl,  kai jūs bandysite tai išsakyti žmogui, jis neklausys jūsų."

 (105x93, 15Kb)     "Jėzus paėmė penkis kepalus ir dvi žuvis, pažvelgė į dangų, palaimino, laužė duoną ir davė savo mokiniams, kad padalintų žmonėms. Taip pat Jis padalino visiems tas dvi žuvis...Ir visi valgė ir pasisotino .."   Morkus 6,41-42, Biblija

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