2012 m. balandžio 25 d., trečiadienis

Symbols of the Sky – TAURUS

"When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it..."

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Philosophical ideas of the Zodiac

Zodiac system can serve as a creation of the natural structure of human knowledge, allowing to preserve the achievements of culture in mind and soul of the most accessible way (because it is inherent in our nature and is inherent in the psyche)...

Astrology is unique in that from ancient times to the present day is the only system so far that the same categories and describes the nature and culture: the external and internal plan of human life, both material and spiritual world. ...

Changing the signs of the zodiac is a sequential process of nature: and as successive pattern of thinking of people of different zodiacal types... Every period of life is repelled from the previous phase and tends to follow. The views of the Zodiac are linked the same logical chain of gradual transition from idea to idea, where one grows out of another...

The logic of the system itself is easy to learn Zodiac.... The signs are reckoned from the points of the vernal and autumnal equinox, winter and summer solstice. In each season, three characters: a cardinal or principal (the sign of the beginning of the season or will sign), sustained (middle of the season or a sign of feeling) and variable (the end of the season or a sign of intelligence). Will begins, the feeling continues, the mind changes. In addition, signs are divided into elements: fire (energetic), earth (material), air (intellectual) and water (emotional), which corresponds to the choleric temperaments, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic (the concept of temperaments have been introduced by Kant - based on traditional medieval images of the same elements)....

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   Philosophy of  Taurus  -  THE ESSENCE OF THINGS

On the conquest of the world is subjective based second sign of spring, Taurus. As a sign of a stable, he develops the idea of ​​a cardinal sign of Aries: and to him our "I" appears datum and support… This - the premise of subjective idealism of Kant ... But starting from the perspective of consciousness, Taurus is not confined to it, and refers to the ways of knowing the external world…

Earth sign Taurus seeks truth on earth, and its inherent ability to not break away from reality creates the objectivity of his philosophy…

The "feelings", which reveals the power of the archetype of the morning star and the goddess of love Venus, Taurus builds his philosophy on sense experience .... Sense - the basis of creation: and the more developed in the mythology of the image of the goddess of love, the more devastating leave it manifests its features and creating, animating, inspired by the power (you may remember Isis)…

In the seminal creation, which illustrates the image of pulling a plow Taurus - the depth of love .... When knowledge is based on the capacity of the senses, the consciousness not only reflects reality, but creates it - that's the point of subjective idealism .... Consciousness constructs for himself his own world, and it is - the basis of human creativity….

The feeling can master the world around them - to aspire to this sign, designing of its manifestations, and their consciousness "I" - appears as a stream of sensations…

 The philosophy of Taurus - creation of the senses in the creation of conscious understanding of life. The experience of life makes the learning process to include the whole being, as called existentialism, Kierkegaard:. for which a basis of understanding reveals even negative emotions (fear, despair), productively and positively leveraging the hidden potential in them….

Emotionally, full-bodied approach to life: the contemplative and unhurried - helping Taurus achieve the depth, which we usually call wisdom... Turning to intellectual generalizations, this sign reveals the foundation of knowledge and its limits. This path is usually identified as a philosophical way of knowing, and not surprisingly, this sign is the most prolific in philosophers…

Just as the images of the Morning Star, or Dawn, associated with the archetype, symbolized beauty and perfection of forms of the world, Taurus looks for the form and quality of items that best reflect the essence of incomprehensible manifestations of life - and to ensure the correctness of our conclusions... Home value is life itself (according to Ortega Gesset) ... Process thinking in support of a feeling (and feeling the movement, which is based on the idea) means the reproduction and creation of life (such as people would like to see it, why values ​​are important and fits the definition of idealism)…

Sense draws its strength from nature - and in the myths the goddess of love: the image which symbolizes the timeless and eternal nature of life - has the power to raise (as Astarte resurrects Eshmuna) ... Likewise, the creativity of ideas, revealing the depth of the inner nature of human, as an art based on love, have a value of constant rebirth of life…

The concept of a single life is in the nature of all people, creating a natural prerequisite for the unification of mankind to a higher level of consciousness, love and happiness - which is building the images of the mind and works of art…

Manageress Taurus Venus is in charge of the form, and Taurus is looking for the forms and quality of the items that best reflect the essence of incomprehensible manifestations of life - and to ensure the correctness of our conclusions…

The way the Taurus tends to find indisputable, tangible material conditions of any theory, shows the philosophy of Marx, who builds a theory of social development in the economic foundation of unwavering.. . The same tendency reveals Taurus Freud who knowingly makes a dogma of sexual theory: in order to guard against superstition vague science of the soul. His notions of male and female may well be classified as metaphysical categories…

The idea -  I feel and get control …

Speaking quite simply, the archetype of Venus symbolizes love and life, because the main value for Taurus is life itself ... Creative mind and art based on love, have a value of constant rebirth of life. The concept of life beginning unites all human beings, creating a natural premise of unity of mankind on a higher level of existence, love and happiness - which is building the images of the mind and works of art ...

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   TAURUS  -  April 21 to May 20

Symbol:  The Bull
Ruling Planet:  Venus
Exaltation:  Moon
Quality:  Fixed
Element:  Earth
Alchemy:  Congelation
Basic Trait:  I Have
Closest Metal:  Copper
Lucky Day:  Friday
Lucky Colors:  Pastel Shades
Lucky Gems:  Lapis Lazuli and Sapphires
Lucky Flowers:  Daffodils and Daisies

TAURUS  - is a Fixed sign and is ruled by … Taurus is Ruled by Venus …

Taurus zodiac sign is represented by the symbol of 'The Bull' and just like a bull, a Taurus person is strong and silent. In the first instance, a Taurean comes across as extremely quiet and reserved person. Only after you get close to him will you have a proper conversation, rather than simple monologues. He moves deliberately and is as steady as the Rock . Once a Taurus has made up his mind, it is impossible to move him even slightly. If you leave him alone, a Taurean will come across as a very easygoing person… You push him somewhat and he becomes stubborn. Still trying to make him budge, beware of the violent temper. A Taurus person is hardly impulsive and never gets angry without a reason.  He is quite attracted to the opposite sex, but attracting people to himself seems more preferable to him…

Taureans have this amazing quality of bearing emotional and physical pain, even for years, without grieving or complaining. The more the troubles come pouring in, the stronger he will come out to be. A Taurus is nothing if not loyal and dedicated to his family and friends…  Sooner or later, the money will come to them…

A Taurus is not stingy and his pockets, along with his heart, are always open to friends and family. He loves grandeur and he is deeply interested in the various forms of art. Music usually has a very special place in his life. The ideas of a Taurus are always sensible as well as practical. He is not the one to build castles out of air. Synonymous with lasting love, Taurus people are not prone to wandering. They love luxury, but detest waste and extravagance. Last but not the least, they are dependable, strong, patient and trustworthy…

THE BODY - THE ZONE OF TAURUS  -  chin and neck …

HEALTH - Taureans usually enjoy splendid health throughout their lives but if not, it is usually the nasal tract and lungs which suffer from repeated infections. More time spent outdoors in dry, mountainous regions is probably the best advice in this case… Taurus governs the throat and neck and its subjects need to beware throat infections, goiter and respiratory ailments such as asthma. They are said to be at risk of diseases of the genitals, womb, liver and kidneys, and of abscesses and rheumatism. Because their body type has an inclination to physical laziness, Taureans can be overweight…

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   Constellation of   TAURUS

Taurus is one of the constellations of the zodiac. Its name is a Latin word meaning 'bull', and its astrological symbol is a stylized bull's head... Taurus is a large and prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere's winter sky, between Aries to the west and Gemini to the east; to the north lie Perseus and Auriga, to the southeast Orion, to the south Eridanus, and to the southwest Cetus…
The constellation Taurus is believed to have been identified with the bull since Chalcolithic times, and possibly even depicted at the Lascaux caves, along with the Pleiades cluster, around the year 15,000 BC. Babylonian astronomers called the constellation the Heavenly Bull. Ancient Egyptians believed that it represented a sacred bull, one associated with the renewal of nature in spring… its wonderful main star, Aldebarán…

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    Myths and Legends

In the most ancient versions, Zeus (chief Olympian god) fell in love with Europa, daughter of the king of Tyre. For some strange reason, Zeus transformed himself into the shape of a beautiful white bull in order to attract Europa to him…

Even more oddly, Zeus' rather unusual (to say the least) plan worked perfectly. Europa was so taken away with the beauty and gentility of the white bull that she climbed onto the white bull's back. Europa was then carried away by Zeus (still in the form of the bull) to Crete

Later versions of the myth say that the bull was merely a messenger of the god, Zeus - who then delivered Europa to Zeus on Crete

The bull was Zeus in disguise and Europe bore him three children - Minos, Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon. Minos became king of Crete and his queen, Pasiphaë, gave birth to a bull-headed son called the Minotaur which was later slain by Theseus in the Labyrinth. Some say that Taurus is a later Cretan bull that was slain by Herakles…

Both Taurus and Scorpio are associated with ancient Egypt

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   Age of  Taurus

The concept of Astrological Age…

Simplistically, astrological era - a long period of time (about 2160 years) during which the vernal equinox (the location of the sun at the equinox) is projected onto a certain zodiac constellation… The precession of the Earth's axis causes a constant movement of the vernal equinox along the ecliptic at a rate of 50.3 arcseconds per year, at some point, it defines the transition from one zodiac constellation to another. Not to be confused with the constellations of the zodiac signs ... not to buy into on a regular basis makes the "discovery" in astrology. The signs are reckoned from the vernal equinox is always equal in length (30 degrees), and moved behind her, along with the change of eras…Change of epochs is not overnight, not instantaneously, but in historical terms this is a rapid, revolutionary process. Visible beginning of an era that accounts for the transition period, when it collected quantitative changes in culture are transformed into a new quality - the era realized…

AGE Taurus - (4000 - 2000 BC) …

Taurus - the sign associated with the element of Earth in its first manifestation and managed by the planet Venus. It is a sign of primary material energies of the earth, its fertile powers. The sign of the matter at its very young and the direct manifestation of earthly and material goods…

Taurus represents the formalized material thing, having a set of properties, but not correlated with the surrounding material world in the bonds (other than genetic kinship relations) ... At the level of Tau world is perceived primarily in its materiality, and the space is conceived as much difference in things related only to the unity of being, and in this respect identical ... Ultimately, space Taurus - and the thing cognized material and sensual, but always life-giving energies of the animated land…

Taurus - a very strong sign, a sign of slow but steady work, especially formative. Taurus - a material form, which gives a special feeling to him by his ruler Venus ... Resists Taurus Scorpio - the sign associated with the element of water in its second manifestation, the first of its ruler - Pluto, the second ruler - Mars ... Of all the characteristics of Scorpio we are interested in the main - those that are associated with the occult - secret knowledge, as well as its characteristics as a sign, managed by Pluto - the planet, which determines the global movement of human masses…

Chronological age of Taurus coincides with the period of copper and bronze age… The development of copper production is consistent with the idea of ​​the era of Taurus, as this sign is ruled by Venus - the planet is known to astrologers and alchemists associated with the metal copper…

Taurus, with its material and uniting all the vision of the world is consistent with existing in the historical period of communal-gentile society in which the person is not a developed individuality, personality, because it does not imagine himself outside the family, but clearly feels his place in it. Even the world around him all the same genus, which viewed the phenomenon of "generating" and "generated" and the kinship between them…

Age of Taurus coincides with the development and prosperity of the ancient civilizations of the East - Egypt's Old Kingdom period, and Sumerian states in Mesopotamia. It is easy to notice that the main features of these correspond to the characteristics of civilizations sign of Taurus. Egypt, Old Kingdom period - is primarily an agricultural civilization in all its manifestations associated with the use and veneration of fertility…

Explanation of farm labor is devoted to creative, most extant paintings and written documents. Egypt Science and materialistic empirical, largely subordinated to the practical needs of agriculture. Thus, the observation of the Nile floods and the movements of the heavenly bodies led to the development of astronomy and astrology to create the calendar…

The symbolism of Taurus is extremely developed in the Egyptian mythology and religion of the Old Kingdom. The gods in the images of bulls and cows worshiped in many Prefectures. The myth is that first, all the gods and goddesses were the bulls and cows of different suits. Then, at the behest of the supreme god of all gods, the bulls were embodied in a black bull and the cow-goddess - one black cow…

Subsequently, a black bull with white markings identified with the god Apis, who at first especially venerated at Memphis, and later - and throughout Egypt (it is characteristic that the very graphic sign of Taurus back to Egiptskomu Apis). Apis was considered the god of fertility and symbolized the soul (Ba), the supreme god of the Egyptian pantheon - the sun god Ra. There was a myth that the sun was born as a calf - cow heaven. About Ra "golden calf, born of heaven," reads the texts of the pyramids…

The cult of the Taurus with the emergence of the ancient Egyptian state was closer to the cult of the pharaoh…

In the most ancient texts, the king called "Taurus", and in some mystery attached to his clothing bull's tail. In the religion of Ancient Egypt, especially the cult of Osiris, and revive the dying - the god of fertility and the king of the underworld, symbolizing the life-giving force of the earth… This is dedicated to the god of approximately one-third extant Egyptian myths. In general, the gods of Ancient Egypt is quite physical and sensory comprehend (an essential requirement of the sign of Taurus), they necessarily associated with the material things that can be perceived through the senses - from the heavenly bodies, or with animals, and their actions are largely related to agricultural processes…

Ancient Egypt is clearly seen the effect of the opposing sign Taurus - Scorpio. Egypt is rightly considered the birthplace of the occult - Secret Knowledge. Hence it came to us almost all the currently known esoteric astrology, alchemy, tarot, palmistry, and others, formed the basis of modern occultism…

Known in antiquity, and later in Christianity, the image of the legendary Hermes Trismegistus, inscribed on the basis of occultism on the emerald tables (Emerald - Stone Calf) directly back to the Egyptian god Thoth, the center of worship of which was located in Shmun (Greek Germopol). Germany (where he went modern term tightness) means the secret and hidden from the outside world…

Esoteric Knowledge (or Hermetic science) exist in parallel with the official religion, and carefully guarded by the priests devoted to it, because, in their opinion, gave enormous power over the surrounding material world … A typical example of the hidden knowledge can serve as "Egyptian Book of the Dead", originally available only to Pharaoh and high priest. These books, by the way, show that the world beyond the grave, and the Egyptians thought the image of the surrounding material world…

Creating a huge army of labor and management is only possible thanks to the patronage of Pluto - the first ruler of Scorpio...  However, very stubborn and long-term building of the pyramids - it is purely in Taurus. It's forming shapes, work on the harmonization of gross material forms, plastic and sculpture. Pyramid - evidence of such work on the matter, they can serve as a symbol of the age of Taurus...

Even more obvious connection of the Old Kingdom period of Egypt with the sign of Taurus, will appear in the analysis of the next astrological era - the era of Aries, when compared to Egypt's New Kingdom, and the civilizations of antiquity. The cult of the Taurus is not unique to ancient Egypt, but also for contemporary civilizations - ancient Mesopotamia, Central Asia, 3-2nd millennium BC… Especially widespread cult of the sacred bull was in the ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley (3rd millennium BC), as can be judged the results of archaeological excavations at Mohenjo, Daro and Harappa…  All these civilizations have lost their grandeur and died with the advent of Aries.

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And it was morning as God stood before his twelve children, and each of them put the seed of human life... One by one, each child came forward to receive your gift designated… 
   God said:  "To you, Taurus, I give force to embed the seed into the substance of ... Your work is very large, requiring patience, - because you have to finish everything that was started or the seeds will be wasted ... You should not doubt or think better middle, or rely on others for what I am asking you to do… For this I give you the Gift of the FORCE ... Use it wisely…. "

And Taurus stepped back into place...   


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   Taurus    TAURAS

“Kai jūs kažko labai norite,  - visa Visata jums siunčia pagalbą pasiekti tai...”
  Dievas pasakė:    "Jums, Taurui, Aš duodu JĖGĄ, kad įstatytumėte sėklą į medžiagą... Jūsų darbas yra labai didelis, reikalingas kantrybės, - todėl, kad jūs turite baigti viską, kas buvo pradėta, kad sėklos nebūtų išeikvotos... Jūs negalite abejoti ar galvoti apie geresnį vidurį, ar  pasitikėti kitais, dėl ko Aš prašau, kad jūs padarytumėte.... Tam aš duodu jums JĖGOS dovaną... Panaudokite tai išmintingai."

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